1. Chocololi
2. Cookies
Tired but Fun. That's word represent for these cookies. Spend much time and energy to made these cookies. But in the end, I loved it and very satisfied for the result. And the tasted was crunchy and sweet. Kids loved it.
3. Cupcakes
I was satisfied with these cupcakes result. It was so cute. I distinguish between for girls and boys and there was a name on each cupcakes. I hope who will get this goodie bag will loved it.4. Goodie bag
Here it is.. Goodie bag for Zaza friends. There is differences between girls and boys. There was a difference in cupcakes, chocololi and cookies.
5. Chocolate Cake
Yeaaa here it is, the birthday cake.. This cake to be brought to Zaza school. They really loved this cake. There are some zaza friends who asked for more. And her teachers told me this cake was delicious. yiihhaaaa... hehehehe..